Hi 3run, thank you. I use this: 20131128_ackphysX3CHECKED(0.93) (physX 3.2.4)
Thats not the last version? Can u give me a link for the last updated version please?

At this moment all works fine, but i have a little problem. Is it possible to stop the rotation of a hinge joint, if its rotating fast?

Thats what i have:
VECTOR gbreak_lin1;
VECTOR gbreak_ang1;

   if(key_w) //set limit (stop the rotating joint)
        pX3con_getposition(hg1, gbreak_lin1, gbreak_ang1);
	pX3con_hinge_setflag(hg1, PX_HJ_LIMIT_ENABLED, 1);
	pX3con_hinge_setlimit(hg1, vector(gbreak_ang1.x, gbreak_ang1.x+0.01, 0), vector(0,0,0));
	while(key_w) wait(1);
   if(key_e) //reset limit
	pX3con_hinge_setflag(hg1, PX_HJ_LIMIT_ENABLED, 0);
 	pX3con_hinge_setlimit(hg1, NULL, NULL);
	while(key_e) wait(1);

But this doesnt work. If i press W, all connected joints are flickering, vibrating for the moment. Thats a little bit strange, if i stopped hg1.

Someone an idea?

Errors are the engine of progress.

Version: A8 Commercial
OS: Win 7 64bit
Models: Cinema 4D