For me, updating the Assets file (Download script -> "Save Assets to") triggers the limit at my IG account (the current limit is "Per-account non-trading requests per minute: 30"). The limit is triggered after the 12th asset in the list (it used to be after the 8th asset one month ago with previous versions of Zorro and the IG plugin). When I asked the Dev support for a limit raise, their response was:

Thanks for your email. Unfortunately we access increasing REST API limits on a case by case basis. What we have noticed is that you are trying to access quite a few Forex pairs at a point in time hence why you hit you limit easily, what we suggest is that possibly instead of using REST API try using Streaming API, because it is based on real time data.

Since you're already using the Lightstreamer lib, is there a way to prevent reaching the limit, e.g. by queuing the requests or using this trick?