Sorry to disturb again, I am trying to download data using the download script. I entered the correst symbol for EUR/USD, and I get this message:

2017-09-24 17:59:01.357 [main] WARN c.d.igz.brokerapi.BrokerHistory - Zero ticks returned for requested date range 2017-09-24T12:59:01 - 2017-09-24T17:59:01

If I change the years (instead of 2017-2017 I input 2016-2017) I also get the same error message plus another one:

2017-09-24 18:08:23.391 [main] WARN c.d.igz.brokerapi.BrokerHistory - Zero ticks returned for requested date range 2016-12-31T20:48:59 - 2017-01-01T01:48:59

Is the download script working with the plugin or should I write my own script? What is the reason of such an error?

Sorry to bother you again, I am still learning!