JavaScript != Java. And please, do not try to use the JavaScript version of Unity. There is no advantage, JavaScript is just plain awful as a language. This is what history has to say about JavaScript:

1995 - Brendan Eich reads up on every mistake ever made in designing a programming language, invents a few more, and creates LiveScript. Later, in an effort to cash in on the popularity of Java the language is renamed JavaScript. Later still, in an effort to cash in on the popularity of skin diseases the language is renamed ECMAScript.

But seriously, do yourselves a favour and learn C#.

I'm by no means a huge fan of C#, nor am I a huge fan of Unity. But I think they get a lot of false critique here because Lite-C and GameStudio have garbage conventions that C# and Unity actually do better. Give it some time, and you'll realize that what you think is too verbose and complicated actually is very powerful.

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at