after lite-c Blueprints are easy. it is also programming but in a visual way, the logic is similar... (but object-oriented)

I'm glad @sivan brings this up. All the talk of blueprints like you have no need for programming logic is wrong. True it is easy and visual people like artist find it easier to work in, but it's still programming. Building "IF" trees is a lot of mess like in the "Paper2d" example.

Unreal tools benefit teams because there is a lot to learn. Each section of unreal dev is best mastered by a single person working in a team. There is so much more to learn and do, it's hard for a solo dev to get it all. I can only hope the community is helpful. As you're sure to get to a point that you need help. Just watch a tutorial about importing a model and setting up animation and you'll clearly see why that is a single job in of itself.

Last edited by DriftWood; 10/25/17 19:19.