I have in my script defined four different algos, three that are trained using different timeframes but using the same input data and neural network classifier.

What I want to do in my script is to use the COMBO algo as an ensemble for the other three algos. The script runs just fine, but I would expect that the performance of the individual components remains the same regardsless of including the COMBO algo or not. But this is not the case. If I exclude the COMBO algo, the indivudual performance of the other algos change, leading me to believe that I´ve misunderstood how the ensemble multiple algos.

Please advise!

#include <r.h>

#define HourLong AssetVar[0]
#define HourShort AssetVar[1]
#define FourHourLong AssetVar[2]
#define FourHourShort AssetVar[3]
#define EightHourLong AssetVar[4]
#define EightHourShort AssetVar[5]

var range(int n)
	return (HH(n) - LL(n))/priceClose(0);

// Trend trading function from Workshop 4
function advise()
  	vars Close = series(priceClose());
	// signals
	int ScalePeriod = 200;
	var change1 = scale(ROCP(Close, 1), ScalePeriod);
	var change2 = scale(ROCP(Close, 2), ScalePeriod);
	var change3 = scale(ROCP(Close, 3), ScalePeriod);
	var change4 = scale(ROCP(Close, 4), ScalePeriod);
	var change5 = scale(ROCP(Close, 5), ScalePeriod);
	var change6 = scale(ROCP(Close, 6), ScalePeriod);
	var change7 = scale(ROCP(Close, 7), ScalePeriod);
	var change8 = scale(ROCP(Close, 8), ScalePeriod);
	var change9 = scale(ROCP(Close, 9), ScalePeriod);
	var change10 = scale(ROCP(Close, 10), ScalePeriod);
	var range1 = scale(range(1), ScalePeriod);
	var range2 = scale(range(2), ScalePeriod);
	var range3 = scale(range(3), ScalePeriod);
	var range4 = scale(range(4), ScalePeriod);
	var range5 = scale(range(5), ScalePeriod);
	var range6 = scale(range(6), ScalePeriod);
	var range7 = scale(range(7), ScalePeriod);
	var range8 = scale(range(8), ScalePeriod);
	var range9 = scale(range(9), ScalePeriod);
	var range10 = scale(range(10), ScalePeriod);
		Hedge = 2;
		//NumSampleCycles = 5;
		//LifeTime = 8;
		if(adviseLong(NEURAL+BALANCED, 0, 
			change1, change2, change3, change4, change5, change6, change7, change8, change9, change10,
			range1, range2, range3, range4, range5, range6, range7, range8, range9,range10) > 0.5)
		if(adviseShort() > 0.5)
		var LongPrediction = adviseLong(NEURAL, 0, 
			change1, change2, change3, change4, change5, change6, change7, change8, change9, change10,
			range1, range2, range3, range4, range5, range6, range7, range8, range9,range10);
		var ShortPrediction = adviseShort();

		if(Algo == "HOUR") {
			HourLong = LongPrediction;
			HourShort = ShortPrediction;
		else if(Algo == "4HOUR") {
			FourHourLong = LongPrediction;
			FourHourShort = ShortPrediction;
		else if(Algo == "8HOUR") {
			EightHourLong = LongPrediction;
			EightHourShort = ShortPrediction;
		var EntryThrehsold = 0.5;
		var ExitThreshold = 0.5;
		if(LongPrediction > ExitThreshold)
			if(ShortPrediction < EntryThrehsold)
		if(ShortPrediction > ExitThreshold)
			if(LongPrediction < EntryThrehsold)
		plot("LongPred", LongPrediction, NEW|BARS, BLUE+TRANSP);
		plot("ShortPred", ShortPrediction, 0|BARS, RED+TRANSP);	

function adviseCombo()
		var LongPrediction = (HourLong + FourHourLong + EightHourLong)/3;
		var ShortPrediction = (HourShort + FourHourShort + EightHourShort)/3;
		var EntryThrehsold = 0.5;
		var ExitThreshold = 0.5;
		if(LongPrediction > ExitThreshold)
			if(ShortPrediction < EntryThrehsold)
		if(ShortPrediction > ExitThreshold)
			if(LongPrediction < EntryThrehsold)
		plot("LongPred", LongPrediction, NEW|BARS, BLUE+TRANSP);
		plot("ShortPred", ShortPrediction, 0|BARS, RED+TRANSP);	

var neural(int mode, int model, int numSignals, void* Data)
	if(!wait(0)) return 0;
// open an R script with the same name as the strategy script	
	if(mode == NEURAL_INIT) {
		if(!Rstart(strf("%s.r",Script),2)) return 0;
		return 1;
// export batch training samples to a file to be read by R	
	if(mode == NEURAL_TRAIN) {
		string name = strf("Data\signals%i.csv",Core);
		Rx(strf("XY <- read.csv('%s%s',header = F)",slash(ZorroFolder),slash(name)));
			return 0;
		return 1;
// predict the target	
	if(mode == NEURAL_PREDICT) {
		Rx(strf("Y <- neural.predict(%i,X)",model+1));
		var pred = Rd("Y[1]");
		return pred;
// save all trained models	
	if(mode == NEURAL_SAVE) {
		print(TO_ANY,"nStore %s",strrchr(Data,'\')+1);
		return Rx(strf("neural.save('%s')",slash(Data)),3);
// load all trained models	
	if(mode == NEURAL_LOAD) {
		printf("nLoad %s",strrchr(Data,'\')+1);
		return Rx(strf("neural.load('%s')",slash(Data)),3); 		
	return 1;

function run()
	StartDate = 20160101;
	EndDate = 20171201;
	BarPeriod = 60;
	//LookBack = 1600;
	LifeTime = 8;
	NumCores = -1;
	PlotWidth = 900;
	WFOPeriod = WFOPeriod = 125*1440/BarPeriod; 
	Spread = Commission = Slippage = RollLong = RollShort = 0;
	while(algo(loop("HOUR","4HOUR","8HOUR","COMBO"))) {
		if(Algo == "HOUR") {
			TimeFrame = 1;
			LookBack = 200;
		else if(Algo == "4HOUR") {
			TimeFrame = 4;
			LookBack = 800;
		else if(Algo == "8HOUR") {
			TimeFrame = 8;
			LookBack = 1600;
		else if(Algo == "COMBO") {
			TimeFrame = 1;
			LookBack = 200;