Assuming I got you correctly you can give the following a try:

#define moreSkillGetForEnt(ent) ((MORESKILL*)ent.entMoreSkill)

void attack()
	MORESKILL* more = moreSkillGetForEnt(ent);
	... use more.custom_value[x] here

void movement(ENTITY* target_ent, var num......)
	MORESKILL* more = moreSkillGetForEnt(ent);

action test_me()
	MORESKILL* more = my.entMoreSkill = moreSkillCreate(); // create once at start of entity function
	more.custom_value[x] = 137.1;
        movement(my, more.custom_value[x].....);

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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