
With ent_decal I want to place decals without doing a c_trace before it. According to the manual you can manually set the hit.x(yz), hit.nx(yz) and hit.model = NULL and it should work. For me it doesn't though (I don't seem them anywhere), I guess I am setting hit.nx wrongly but I am not sure. (Also if I do it with a c_trace it does work so I am setting some of the hit struct wrongly.)

hit.model = NULL;
		debug_var1 = hit.x; //correct coordinates
		debug_var2 = hit.y;
		debug_var3 = hit.z;
		vec_set(hit.nx, hit.x);
		vec_normalize(hit.nx, 1);
		PARTICLE* p = ent_decal(ent, _bmap, _size, _rot); 
		p.lifespan = _time;

Ty for taking the time!