Ok @RealSerious3D.
I'm following Bullock right now. His FPS controller is the current choice until the official one is finished by RandomMomentina.

It brings up a few negative issue. Godot is like 3dgs in a way. You have to put everything together from parts. Unreal has a actor, pawn and player class. Ready to go built player controller. It also has minimal templates which I really liked. So you can jump right in with a basic fps player controller that has a basic weapon
, Collision, animation and camera. There are template for many game styles.

Godot lacks any player controller classes or scene. It would be nice to not have to connect all the parts. You will always need a physical body, visual mesh, collision, input and a camera in almost all games.

Why isn't this package already with in one class and scene with the choice to modify to needs? When will I need a player that doesn't accept any input? Or that doesn't need a collision haul? When will I make a game without a camera looking at the player in some form and to render it?

So why not follow unreal and build users sold controller classes and basic template scenes?

I mean I like it like 3dgs that by having to put it together and write all the basic myself I learn a lot and get a deep understanding. But honestly, I'm gonna make a handful of player type scenes with scripts to copy and modify. It seems foolish that all users have to personally build there first basic player controllers. Or that they would hand make them over and over for each project. That's very old school.

Anyway I'll post a more interesting and informative post at the end of the week when my first projects are further along and I have a real feel/ understanding of godot.