Hi, I'm starting to test the data quality and I discover a strange beahvour so I decide to did the following experiment:
I train and test workshop6 from 2012 to 2016 with only one asset eurusd.
then I erase EURUSD_2012.t6 - EURUSD_2016.t6 and I download it from fxcm (api)
after retrain i can read a complitly different results:
orginal data

Number of trades 142 (89/year, 2/week, 1/day)
Percent winning 36.6%
Max win/loss 516$ / -337$
Avg trade profit 4.54$ 4.0p (+116.9p / -61.3p)

fxcm data:
Number of trades 65 (41/year, 1/week, 1/day)
Percent winning 49.2%
Max win/loss 1339$ / -925$
Avg trade profit 10.37$ 3.5p (+140.1p / -129.0p)

I can't understand; why this workshop is so data depending?

Can someone help me to understand?

thks a lot, alb

Last edited by alb; 02/21/18 20:04.