If you publish your game through SED it will always be compiled with the default nexus. You can create a custom starter window and write
COMMAND "-nx 200";
in the window definition to launch it with the correct value.
Wait, does your game crash in test or published mode? @Iglarion
If it is the latter have you tried copying all source files (models, textures, sounds, media files, text files) over to the published folder?

EDIT: Not trying to sound like a smartass here but...
But in fact there are instruction like ptr_remove() (anything related spawning or deleting objects) which simply require to have the entity alive for at least one frame.

This is not quite true, you can remove the entity immediately on creation (in its action or after ent_create). I do this all the time in my game based on level progress/ checkpoints.

any looping entity function should have a well defined exit condition [...] Always stop the entity loop(s), afterwards remove the entity.

If you don't use PROC_GLOBAL (at all in your code - which IMO you really shouldn't, it's buggy in my opinion and does nasty stuff as described indirectly by Firoball) removing an entity will stop its (while(1) loop) function.

Last edited by Superku; 03/10/18 12:53.

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