Hello 3run,

Thank you for your conversion, it looks like it works laugh Seeing this will certainly help me learn Lite-C.

I will work on posting correctly in the future. The code may be a rip off yes or perhaps something from an old AUM? Its not the whole code I have, just the gib action.

I have a massive amount of .wdl from when I used A5 many years ago and I don't necessarily lay claim to it. Any code I post is free for anyone to use (I'm mostly doing this for fun). I'm sifting through my .wdl stash looking for code gems at the moment, if I find something interesting I will share it.

I would prefer to use A8 but my computer can't handle it for some reason (running windows 10), it crashes frequently so I have to use A7 until I get a different OS.

Okay, I'm going to test this bad boy out. Thanks 3run.
