Lots of new stuff added! Commentary video coming soon!

1. Translucency/Glass/Refraction!: using a second view, I am able to use this view as a transparency view for shaders! In the shader, I can distort the scene based on RGB values, on top of the normal map! I can also do frosted glass by sampling the scene multiple times in the shader using a poisson lookup! Objects that have flag1 will be rendered in the transparency view, but they will have only their backfaces drawn. This will allow you to have glass objects that you can see inside of!

2. Ocean shader: using the above refraction, I am able to make an ocean/water shader, that moves vertexes up and down, with 2 normal maps overlapping each other. It has normal mapping, specular, cubic environment mapping, soft edges (from the soft particle shader from the wiki), and it has a foam shader! I can specify where I want the foam based on the G channel of the one of the entskins! The ocean can also receive realtime shadows!

3. The intersection shader: seeing sample code online, I was able to make an intersection shader, for things like shields and stuff. Using the depth camera view and transparent objects, the shield can light up objects that are intersecting the shield!

4. Dynamic Lights!: nothing too special, just copied and pasted code from the wiki into my shaders, and with some fudging, I got it to work!

the end! laugh