Hello Forum,

I have taken a long break from programming and wanted to get back to it, challenging myself with a 2D minigame of sorts.
However, as I have never done 2D-only games before, I have been stuck at one problem.

I want to create a game that looks and function as a 2D RPG.
The environment is supposed to be tile-based and I want to generate it dynamically.
The player would then walk from tile to tile, being only blocked by some tiles that are walls, and the screen should be scrollable.
So basically just standard RPG-Maker grids that form the world through a lot of tiles.

My problem is, that I do not know how to realize this "dynamic tile creation" in a reasonable way.

At first I was thinking, that Sprites aka 2D-Entities would work. Just put them next to each other.
But assuming I create a room that is 100x100 tiles big, this would mean that I have to create 10000 Entities,
which sounds a little unreasonable, since a larger map could mean 100.000 Entities.

Then I thought about using Panels, and perhaps creating 10000-100.000 panels is fine but panels do not scroll
according to the camera and I would need to do that manually, but then again, changing 10000 panels positions every frame seems crazy.

It could also be that I underestimate modern computers and the Engine, so maybe the Entity solution would be fine,
but all in all I would want to know if anyone has suggestions on how to realize this scrollable tile-based world.
I have dug up some 2D tutorials but I can't seem to find anything that helps me or perhaps I am not good at searching blush

Yours Yking

PS: It should be dynamic because it would be cool to have an in-game level editor where someone can place tiles.