Thanks jcl.

Re. "not subscribed": These were GER30, NAS100, SPX500, UK100, & US30. Running Download against FXCM. Specifying "AssetsFix.csv" all the forex pairs are updated and none of these CFDs. Specifying any of these CFDs individually it updates fine. Seems to be some problem with the looping through the Assets in AssetsFix.csv?

Re. CR/MI: In the past there seemed to be a reasonable relationship, but perhaps it was coincidence. Now the relationship actually seems to be between DD, AR, and MI. In any case, the manual says CR is

This amount would be required when the strategy is entered at the worst possible moment of the simulation, for instance directly at a balance peak preceding a drawdown

The Test shows DD >$4000 yet CR ~$2000. How does the statement above reconcile this? If the strategy were entered with $2000 just before the $4000 DD it would blow up.

More generally, what figure(s) do I use from the Performance Report that mathematically (preferably easily laugh ) determine the CN (Capital Needed, since CR isn't it) needed to achieve the MI without the strategy blowing up? I can obviously back into CN using MI and AR, but where is CN on the Report?
