You could use the part of this while loop for hiding entities. Related to the camera position and the culling_distance, it will hide your entities or show them again. This code snippet was a part of AUM - original was C-Script.
var culling_distance = 4000;
action NULL_() 
	if (vec_dist (my.x, camera.x) < culling_distance) // the player has come close to this entity?
		reset(my, INVISIBLE); // then show it!
		while (my.alpha < 100) // run this loop until the entity becomes opaque again
			my.alpha = minv(100, my.alpha + 15 * time_step); // increase my.alpha (15 = speed) and limit it to 100
			wait (1);
		reset(my, TRANSLUCENT); // get rid of some nasty artifacts when the entity is completely visible
	else // the player has moved away from this entity?
		set(my, TRANSLUCENT);  // then set the "transparent" flag again
		while (my.alpha > 0) // run this loop until the entity becomes practically invisible (alpha = 0)
			my.alpha = maxv(0, my.alpha - 15 * time_step); // decrease my.alpha (15 = speed) and limit it to 0
			wait (1);
		set(my, INVISIBLE); // now hide the entity in order to increase the frame rate


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