The script is different for any CSV, but here's a more complex example for bitcoin prices:

void main()
  string Format = "+0,,,%t,f,f,s";
  int Records = dataParse(1,Format,"History\BTCEUR.csv");
  printf("n%d records read",Records);
// now convert it to t1 and change sign for sell quotes
  for(i=0; i<Records; i++) {
    T1* t1 = dataAppendRow(2,2);
    t1->time = dataVar(1,i,0);
    t1->fVal = dataVar(1,i,1);
    string sell = dataStr(1,i,3);
    if(sell[0] == 't') t1->fVal = -t1->fVal;
// display progress bar and check [Stop] button
    if(!progress(100*i/Records,0)) break;
  if(Records) dataSave(2,"History\BTCEUR.t1");