I've been trying to debug a stubborn egg movement code.
In particular it has been "bouncing" vertically seemingly at random, see here: https://i.gyazo.com/b74daf93dac42d5457765f7a2aa3e92b.mp4

As I had issues with a non-uniform OBB I'm moving the entity up by it's vertical ellipsoidal difference (depending on tilt), perform the movement stuff with a round OBB (inner circle, so to speak), then move it back down.
I've been using c_move for height changes to update the collision hull (for the subsequent player movement).

After a while I figured it's not >directly< an issue with my code/ a standard bug that I'd be moving it incorrectly by accident but it's some other issue with the egg's visual mesh instead. The numbers on screen are drawn relative to the entity height, as well as logging the height always shows the same height when it's jerking around: https://i.gyazo.com/3d8b595df946feb1febc31700013a060.png

Is this an engine bug somehow or is there another reason? Is there anything I can do about it? (Hm, just got an idea, use a 2nd entity as a workaround and put it at the original now invisible egg's position?)


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