Hi Andrew. Thanks for replying. I get your point about re-evaluating and fine-tuning. For a start I'm going to trade a Z-system so I assume it is already re-evaluated and fine-tuned laugh My understanding is that for a Z-system at any given time I can increase the capital after getting profits (according to the square root rule).

What rules am I deliberately disobeying please? Let me try to be more clear:

I stop trading a Z-system after earning $200 in profits so now I'm $1200 in total. Straight away I start to trade the same system all over again with $1200. So starting to trade the system again corresponds to trading the system for the very first time with $1200 start capital. Now I have re-invested all the profits and I don't have to use the square root rule. Does it make sense, I mean is my example clear?



Last edited by HamSelv; 12/27/18 00:14.