Np, glad it's helping you out!
Outline: Fullscreen outlines for all geometry via postprocessing is rather easy, might work for a single object as well (via a mask/ MRTs). The easiest way would be to create a duplicate of your model but where you weld all close-by vertices (again), then create a shader where you offset all vertices by the vertex normal direction times some factor. (You can do this in let's say Blender as well, scale in normal direction, but via shader you could let's say animate it slightly or change the offset based on the distance to the camera.)

Btw. you should start looking into some shaders for reflective materials, for a semi shiny reflective floor, for dynamic highlights on metal and all that good stuff. I'm not necessarily talking about actual real time reflections but you could try that as well.
I use shaders for everything and most of the time sample a simple highlight texture based on the view transformed normals, which makes objects look more dynamic and not as pre 1999. I use that for example for subtle highlights on characters or to give a flat greyscale object a metallic look of sorts.
Regarding reflective materials, here's something I made and recorded a few weeks ago (first 10seconds or so):
It's over the top of course but shows how basic textures can be transformed into something else not via artistic skills but some coding.

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