Thank you!
I'm rendering all lights (views) into a single 16bit shadow atlas texture, as in DOOM (2016) (and probably many/ most other game):

My render/ lighting pipeline is not finished yet though, currently the number and types of lights are hardcoded into a single pass.
I want to make a quad based deferred renderer (for the lights) if that makes sense. That is let's say divide the screen into 8x6 quads, then calculate for each quad lights which touch the extruded quad volume in screen space and then process that quad with a custom bmap_process function. The latter is already implemented, for the most part at least, and allows to execute a pixel shader for sections of the target bitmap - which in my case could be a 16 bit HDR light color map, we'll see.

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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