Hello Dalla smile. I know you, because I've read a lot of you here in the forum, by Andrew too. I respect you guys and know that you are experienced Zorro users...

By the way, the problem with the Chinese characters in diag file seems to be a problem only with me, I had that yesterday with another script. When opening the diag file with gedit there are sometimes cryptic unreadable characters in it.

I hope you are not angry with me that I do not implement the tip, as you can see here there are several different sources in which :L and :S are used:


Jcl has posted:
They are the same algorithms as before, only now separately for long and short trades by adding a “:L” or a “:S” to the algorithm identifier. Accordingly, some code within the trade functions must ensure that only the right sort of trades are opened:

if(strstr(Algo,":L") and crossUnder(Signal,-Threshold))
else if(strstr(Algo,":S") and crossOver(Signal,Threshold))

But the links they are very old, some are from 2012...? I'm just wondering why this has not been noticed yet, so I was also unsure if I even ask;).

Please check the attached script, the "Parameter Charts" it generates are clearly wrong. It shows the same pictures twice?

Attached Files
babypips_jcl_LS.c (39 downloads)
Last edited by laz; 01/23/19 20:46.