In finance the goal is normally predicting the future price direction or trade result. I suppose that's also the intention of your script.

Exactly, that's what i try. Maybe we understand each other wrong, but I'm talking about the method Objective = 0, which causes every positive trade to count as a signal. I do not understand what an ML-Algo should / can learn if we open randomly a trade on each bar and then use the results as a learning guide -> because in neural.train() in R you're doing this: Y <- ifelse(Y>0,1,0)

So every Trade with profit is learned as GOOD. No matter where in the chart it starts, no matter how big or small it was, what's "the underlying rule / the strategy / the edge" of signals generated in that way? What is the trade based on? Sorry that I ask so much, that's because I would like to understand the approach.

But I am currently on a very different problem cry . This thread was actually about using RULES | PARAMETERS with asset() and algo() in loops(). We have already clarified that this is not possible, which is a pity. The solution was using "custom for loops" and not the loop() function from Zorro.

string myALGO[2];

int algoList() {

	myALGO[0] = "W4T0";
	myALGO[1] = "W4T1";



function W4T() {

	TimeFrame = 1;

	var  op1 = optimize(100,100,200,100);	
	var  op2 = 3;// optimize(1,1,2,1);

	vars dat = series(price());
	vars trd = series(LowPass(dat,op1));
	vars mmi = series(MMI(dat,300));
	vars smo = series(LowPass(mmi,300));
	Stop  = op2 * ATR(100);
	Trail = 0;

	if(strstr(Algo,"W4T0")) {
		if(valley(trd)) enterLong(); else			
		if(peak(trd))   enterShort();

	} else if(strstr(Algo,"W4T1")) {

		if(falling(smo) && valley(trd)) enterLong(); else			
		if(falling(smo) && peak(trd))   enterShort();



function run() {


	StartDate    = 2016;
	EndDate      = 2017;
	BarPeriod    = 60;
	LookBack     = 500;

	DataSplit    = 70;
	NumWFOCycles = 5;
        PlotWidth    = 3000;
	PlotHeight1  = 666;	
	Verbose      = 3; // default 1

	int asc = assetList("AssetsFix.csv"); // please edit	
	int alc = algoList();
	int i   = 0;
	int j   = 0;	

	for(i=0;i<2;i++) { // test only scan 0 & 1

		for(j=0;j<alc;j++) {

			Script = strf("%s%s",Asset,Algo);
			if(is(INITRUN)) watch("#INITRUN @ Bar",Bar,Asset,Algo,Script);	
			if(strstr(Algo,"W4T")) W4T();


I expected Zorro to produce single .par files for each Asset / Algo / WFOCycle, at least after changing the script name. However, only 1 file per WFOCycle is created. It contains 4 parameters, that is wrong or what I have misunderstood here?

Zorro creates the file in EXITRUN? How can i force the creation of separate files inside the for loops?

Last edited by laz; 01/29/19 11:34.