I've been running zorro on a cloud based VPS for a few months now. I have set zorro's weekend variable to Weekend = 7 and when checking the logs, I see that zorro sets weekend = on and weekend = off just fine.

However, sometimes OANDA does server maintenance over the weekends. This results in my zorro log printing "Insufficient authorization to perform request" or "The account specified does not exist'." during this weekend time.

This seems odd to me as I would think zorro is disconnected. However, it seems more precise to say that zorro isn't asking for or recording price data for the weekend but is still logged in. Am I correct in this thinking?

I've read the OANDA API helpfile and it didn't seem to handle this case.

If I restart the zorro trading program with stop trading, don't close positions and restart, the error goes away and all seems fine. However, this is a little suboptimal for my "set it and forget" mindset. I was away one weekend and I had trades open but zorro wasn't connected. It was a little into Monday before I realized the issue and reconnected.

Any ideas on how I can get rid of this issue?
