Unfortunately is the same trade entered at the same bar:

[Thu 19-03-14 16:00] 3175 +12.49 -141 /\ (1.13044)
[SILVER:MR] - Last Closed Trades
Trade Closed: 0
[SILVER:MR]: 0 RERArray Trades
[SILVER:MR] NumT: 999 - ReR: 999.00 -> 999:999.00 - NORMAL
{SILVER:MR:l4301} Long 2@15.20 Risk 37 at 16:00:01
[SILVER:NET:L6090] Long 2@15.20 Pool at 16:00:01

The actual trading Status:

L6090 +19.37
l4301 -404

No trades with the same asset was open, have been opened, or closed.
Status file attached.

Thank you

Attached Files
mpFS1901dn.zip (18 downloads)