Hi all, I´ve been playing around sometime with advise function. I never get a different value different to zero when customizing my Objective.

As stated in the manual: https://zorro-project.com/manual/en/advisor.htm
In [Train] mode: 0 when Objective != 0, otherwise 100 (so that dependent trades are always executed for training)."

I don´t understand what is meant when saying "Returns". If Objective=0 next trade result is the target and should be the last column of the signals.csv, but if you use "var myObje = ifelse(priceClose(-1) - priceClose(0) > 20,1,-1);" as Dalla exposed or any other the last column of the signals.csv files is always 0.00000 or -0.00000.

Is this the expected behaviour? if so How can we customize the Objective value for predict other than next trade result?

Thank you