1) It's not a bad idea, its how the whole industry defines and calculates it. There is no other software nor paper that calculates it differently. That's why I raised the question in the first place.

2) Reporting "MaxDD in %" for non-reinvesting at all IS a bad idea, exactly for the reasons you described.
What IS used is the inverse of your maxDD/(ending)NP calculation - an NP/maxDD ratio (and preferably annualized) - a reward for assumed risk.

Now, it is your product and you can calculate it however you deem appropriate. Just make a note in bold and in capital in the manual that this deviates from the usual calculation which users take for granted.

And if there are issues "of opinion", why not have a vote/discussion on the forum - or- better - a 'pushed' user poll by email ?

Last edited by Zheka; 07/18/19 12:46.