
with the configuration

community/wine-mono 4.9.2-1
multilib/wine-staging 4.13-1
multilib/wine_gecko 2.47-2
community/winetricks 20190615-1 -> install corefonts

Zorro 2.15 seems to work in a 32-bit environment. Wine is running on arch linux 5.2.8.

I ran workshop 6 including training on wine and compared it to a windows machine and got identical results. Similarly workshop 4 ran through.

Furthermore I installed R i386 3.6.1 - modified the path to R (RTermPath) in the zorro.ini file and the script RTest ran through. A connection to an fxcm demo account could be estabished as well. Help could be displayed also.

The only thing which does not perfectly work yet is that after running the RTest scipt, parts of the menu becomes invisible and the menu buttons become visible again if one moves over them with the mouse. The message window seems to move over the menu buttons. A restart and a single run works. It does not happen running the workshop scripts.

Hence, the previously described errors seem to be resolved in the configuration as described above and a smaller problem with the menu buttons running R seem to be present.

Any thoughts or comments on that test?