Originally Posted by AndrewAMD
Save each value to an AssetVar.

so in other words
#define CLOSE0 close[0]
#define CLOSE1 close[1]
// etc

function run()
{ vars close = series(priceClose()); }

since I have yet to figure out how to supply a whole series to a TMF, is that even possible?

Originally Posted by AndrewAMD
You supplied a var when you need to supply a vars.

This is related to the above. If I passed individual indexes within a series of priceClose() to the TMF, I would use
if(crossOver(CLOSE0, VARIABLE) { do this action; }

if this case, I would want to use the Tick priceClose() within the TMF over a bar priceClose() from run(), so what would be the proper syntax to do this within the TMF?