Zero day Zorro user here. Need a quick assist for downloading some data from AlphaVantage.

I tried a SCRIPT = Download, SYMBOL = NAS100, ACTION = Download, and I can't get past Error 58. After a good deal of searching can't find info on the problem. (Error scrape attached)

I have the API Key in the .ini file and have double checked it.

The format of the little download popup was cryptic in that DATE was 2019-2019. Any suggestions about where to find an example of something defining what this should be? Tried YYYYmmDD-YYYYmmDD with "SyntaxError".

I have scanned the FAQ and others with no luck. Frankly I think I am missing some pivotal doc/info to be able to get a simple download to work.

Really appreciate any an all suggestions that might get me on the correct wavelength here.

Best regards,


Attached Files Error58.PNG
Last edited by Trader200k; 12/24/19 22:49.