
I am reading through the Manual and the "price" page says


Returns the open, close, maximum and minimum price of the bar period or time frame with the selected asset. priceClose(0) returns the current price.

Then I made this very simple script below.

function run()
	BarPeriod = 60;
	TimeFrame = 4;
	vars cls_series = series(priceClose(0));
	var cls_val = priceClose(0);
	printf("\nFrom series: %f vs Other: %f", cls_series[0], cls_val);

As you can see the screenshot below, priceClose() returns the last bar (1 hour TF) value instead of the last Timeframe (4 hour TF) value unless it is defined as series(). I was expecting values from both series and single variable same. Am I missing something?

Thanks a lot

Note: I also tried other price functions such as price(), priceOpen() as well, experiencing the same behaviour.

[Linked Image]

Last edited by ozgur; 12/26/19 14:10.