Wow! Isn't this topic too old?

I read your article with the little help of google translate. I respect your thoughts and your effort to seek meaning. i'm muslim too. sort of... i'm not a bigot/fundamentalist.

Sentence from your article. :"In the past, religious Christians, Muslims and people of many other faiths were at the forefront of scientific discovery." This is the most important part of your article. Yeah you are right. In the past, there were lot of scientist, philosopher (also on the muslim side) and they were also beleivers. e.g: Avicenna, Farabi. Why are we different today? Did we get more and more zealous/bigot (or stupid) over time?

Faith is faith, truth is truth. These are different things. It would be stupid behavior, if i refused the scientific facts just because i'm believer. (Well, I'm a believer.) So, here is what i don't understanding: Why do people still fight war in the form of evolution and creationism?

I read all the religious books. Quran, Bible, Old Testament. I also read Darwin's book "Origin of Species", Dawkins' book "The God's Delusion." (this book is also related with subject.) and similar books... I still don't understand why people are so obsessed and why do we feel we have to choose a side?

H.P. Lovecraft says: "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age."

Maybe we are just afraid. The truth is that we humans are tiny little things in the universe and we don't know anything about hidden side of existence. We also try to add meaning to our existence. We think that religion is shortcut, science is long way for this. That's wrong. Religion/faith isn't shortcut. Maybe they're just some requirements for us to walk on this scientific and realistic loooong road without going crazy.

In connection with the subject, i would like to share an archaeological discovery from my country. it was discovered by German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt. Göbeklitepe may be oldest temple in the world. (10th–8th millennium BCE.) Maybe you might want to take a look.