I'm trying to convert options contract information into a Zorro .t8 file and it's turned into a brainteaser.

The following code is patterned after the CSVtoOptions.c code that ships with Zorro.

My code uses dataParse() to read the input file and then calls dataSaveCSV() to write the parsed values out to another file. The output file contains the expected values, so I believe my dataParse() format string is reasonable.

The code then goes on to read the values for the first row of the data set and store them into a CONTRACT.

Next, the code prints the values that were read from the data set row. This is followed by a second print statement to print what should be the same values (with the exception of option_type having been converted from a 1 character string to a long). Some of these values are being read from the CONTRACT and others are being read directly from the input row. However, the values from the second print statement do not match the values from the first print statement.

The first three lines of the .csv input file are:
DIA,SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust,2002-12-31,DAZ030118C00056000,2003-01-18,56.000000,C,27.4000,27.9000,28.3000,0,1,83.5100000,0.928498,0.983668,0.248371,0,0
DIA,SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust,2002-12-31,DAZ030118P00056000,2003-01-18,56.000000,P,0.0000,0.0500,0.0000,0,98,83.5100000,0.769044,-0.005513,0.116097,0,0

Here are the first two lines from the file that I wrote back out using dataSaveCSV():

Here is the content that was written to the Zorro log (with Verbose = 7):
Parse History\DIA_options_2002.csv..
DIA,SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust,2002-12-31,DAZ030118C00056000,2003-01-18,56.000000,C,27.4000,27.9000,28.3000,0,1,83.5100000,0.928498,0.983668,0.248371,0,0

37621.00000000 20030118 56.00000 C 27.40000 27.90000 0.00000 83.51000 0.98367 
DIA,SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust,2002-12-31,DAZ030118P00056000,2003-01-18,56.000000,P,0.0000,0.0500,0.0000,0,98,83.5100000,0.769044,-0.005513,0.116097,0,0

37621.00000000 20030118 56.00000 P 0.00000 0.05000 0.00000 83.51000 -0.00551  43934 records
Save DIA_options_2002.out.. 43934 recordsDIA_options_2002.csv: Converting 43934 records
time: 2002-12-31, expiry=20030118, strike: 56.000000, optiontype: C, bid: 27.400000, ask: 27.900000, volume: 0.000000, underlying: 83.510002, delta: 0.983668
time: 2002-12-31, expiry=20030118, strike: 0.000000, optiontype: 1104884531, bid: 27.900000, ask: 0.000000, volume: 83.510002, underlying: 0.983668, delta: 0.000000
time: 2002-12-31, expiry=20030118, strike: 56.000000, optiontype: P, bid: 0.000000, ask: 0.050000, volume: 0.000000, underlying: 83.510002, delta: -0.005513
time: 2002-12-31, expiry=20030118, strike: 0.000000, optiontype: 0, bid: 0.050000, ask: 0.000000, volume: 83.510002, underlying: -0.005513, delta: 0.000000

Finally here is the Zorro script that I am running:
// Convert Historical Options Data contract data from .csv to .t8
// The Format string specifies how to extract the necessary fields
// from the CSV format

#include <default.c>
#include <stdio.h>

// Historical option data line format:
// ticker,name,quote_date,option_symbol,expiration,strike,option_type,bid,ask,last,volume,open_interest,underlying_last,implied_volatility,delta,gamma,theta,vega
// SPY,SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust,2020-02-28,SPY200228C00250000,2020-02-28,250.000000,C,46.9200,47.8000,38.4100,35,1,296.2400000,10.4975,0,0,0,0
// extract quote_date,expiration,strike,option_type,bid,ask,volume,underlying_last,delta
string Format = ",,%Y-%m-%d,,i,f,s,f,f,,f,,f,,f";

int exists(string fname) {
    FILE *file;
    if (file = fopen(fname, "r"))
        return 1;
    return 0;

void convertOneCsv(string inName, string outName, string format) {
    // first step: close the data set to make sure there is no data
    // left over from earlier conversions
    dataNew(1, 0, 0);
    // second step: parse the CSV file into a dataset
    if (!exists(strf("History/%s", inName))) return;
    int nRecords = dataParse(1, format, inName);
    dataSaveCSV(1, "%Y-%m-%d,i,f,s,f,f,f,f,f", "DIA_options_2002.out");
    if (!nRecords) return;
    printf("%s: Converting %d records\n", inName, nRecords);
    // third step: convert the raw data to the final CONTRACT format
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < nRecords; i++) {
        CONTRACT* O = dataAppendRow(2,9);
        O->time = dataVar(1,i,0);
        O->Expiry = dataInt(1,i,1);
        O->fStrike = dataVar(1,i,2);
        string PC = dataStr(1,i,3);
        O->Type = ifelse(*PC == 'P', PUT, CALL);
        O->fBid = dataVar(1,i,4);
        O->fAsk = dataVar(1,i,5);
        O->fVol = dataVar(1,i,6);
        O->fUnl = dataVar(1,i,7);
        O->fVal = dataVar(1,i,8); // delta
        if (!progress(100*i/nRecords, 0)) break; // show a progress bar
        if (i < 2) {
            printf("time: %s, expiry=%d, strike: %f, optiontype: %s, bid: %f, ask: %f, volume: %f, underlying: %f, delta: %f\n",
            strdate("%Y-%m-%d", dataVar(1,i,0)),      // time
            dataInt(1,i,1),                           // Expiry
            dataVar(1,i,2),                           // strike
            dataStr(1,i,3),                           // option type
            dataVar(1,i,4),                           // bid
            dataVar(1,i,5),                           // ask
            dataVar(1,i,6),                           // volume
            dataVar(1,i,7),                           // underlying last
            dataVar(1,i,8));                          // delta
            printf("time: %s, expiry=%d, strike: %f, optiontype: %d, bid: %f, ask: %f, volume: %f, underlying: %f, delta: %f\n", 
            strdate("%Y-%m-%d", O->time),             // time
            O->Expiry,                                // Expiry
            O->fStrike,                               // strike
            O->Type,                                  // option type
            O->fBid,                                  // bid
            dataVar(1,i,5),                           // ask
            dataVar(1,i,6),                           // volume
            dataVar(1,i,7),                           // underlying last
            dataVar(1,i,8));                          // delta
        } else {

function main()
    string inNameFmt = "%s_options_%i.csv";
    string outNameFmt = "%s.t8";
    int firstYear = 2002;
    int lastYear = 2002;
    string tickers[20];
    tickers[0] = "DIA";
    tickers[1] = "";

    Verbose = 7;
    int i, year;
    string inName, outName;
    for (i=0; strcmp(tickers[i], "") != 0; i++) {
        // close the target data set (handle == 2) to make sure there is no data
        // left over from earlier conversions
        dataNew(2, 0, 0);  
        for (year=firstYear; year <= lastYear; year++) {
            inName = strf(inNameFmt, tickers[i], year);
            outName = strf(outNameFmt, tickers[i], year);
            convertOneCsv(inName, outName, Format);
        // sort the records in descending order by date
        // save the converted data
        dataSave(2, strf(outNameFmt, tickers[i]));

Any suggestions as to what I've done wrong will be much appreciated!
