Zorro newbie here. I live in the U.S. and wish to trade Z3 with an Ally Invest account. I have:

1. Obtained an Ally Invent account
2. Deposited funds into my Ally account
3. Downloaded and installed the Ally Invest plug-in (thanks to AndrewAMD)
4. Downloaded historical data
5. Run a TEST of Zorro/Z3 on my local machine. It works!
6. Created a VM in Azure
7. Installed Zorro with historical data on the VM
8. Run a TEST of Zorro/Z3 on the Azure VM. It works!

Now, I would actually like to start live trading from my Azure VM. I would like to trade EUR/USD but I am confused about the following:

1. What should my Z/.ini file look like? Do I need to make any modifications? Does anyone have a sample .ini file I could see?
2. What should my asset list file look like? Do I need to make any modifications? Does anyone have a sample .csv asset file I could see?
3. Just to test out Z3 trading, can I start with a capital allocation of $1000.00, or is that too little?

Thank you in advance for the courtesy of reading this post, and for any answers.

Clyde W. Ford