Originally Posted by Evo
(Note : Not all view material work since they don't seem to be set up for this purpose. Only certain materials like "Negative" seem to work, but transparency is not correct.)

In that effect (Negative), transparency is indicated by number. That's the problem.

float4 postprocessing_negative( float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR0 
   //you have the color of the texture but not the alpha!
   float3 Color = 1. - tex2D( g_samSrcColor, Tex.xy).xyz;
   //you set the alpha by number (1) that means your texture doesn't have transparent parts.
   return float4(Color,1.);

If you change it like this, the problem will disappear:

float4 postprocessing_negative( float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR0 
	//you have the color and alpha of the texture.
	float4 Color = tex2D( g_samSrcColor, Tex.xy);
	//now you change colors, but not touch the alpha.
	Color.xyz=1. - tex2D( g_samSrcColor, Tex.xy).xyz;
	return Color;

Color.xyz means rgb and Color.a means alpha. So if you specify the alpha in numbers float4(Color.xyz,1), it won't affect texture. First, you should get rgb and alpha with float4. Then you can change it as you wish.

I would like to help more, but i'm not familiar of bmap_process.