
string datetime(){
	return strf("%02d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %d",day(),month(),year(),hour(),minute(),(int)second(),dow());

function run()
LookBack = 0;
StartDate = 20200410;
BarPeriod = 60;

TimeFrame = 1;
FrameOffset = 0;
printf("\n%s | open=%.5f - close=%.5f", datetime(), priceOpen(), priceClose());

TimeFrame = 24;
FrameOffset = 17;
vars open = series(priceOpen());
vars close = series(priceClose());

if(hour()==1) printf(" | open=%.5f - close=%.5f", open[0], close[0]);


It seems this way I obtain what I want, but can you explain me why??
Why FrameOffset should be equals to 17?
Is is because of the default value of BarOffset (1000)?

Last edited by kerplunk1899; 04/27/20 18:32.