Hello, I´ve been sometimes developing with advice function, try things, go to other things and come back.

I get strange behaviours and I have the doubt about which file does advice function read, when testing/trading, a trained strategy.

As far as I know, it reads "Deeplearn.ml" files but how can i make sure it´s reading the correct .ml file?

For example this R code, from the R script:

neural.test = function()
XY <<- read.csv('c'c:/project/Zorro/Data/DeepLearn.csv' ,header = F)
splits <- nrow(XY)*0.8
XY.tr <<- head(XY,splits)
XY.ts <<- tail(XY,-splits)

X <<- XY.ts[,-ncol(XY.ts)]
Y <<- XY.ts[,ncol(XY.ts)]
Y.ob <<- ifelse(Y > 0,1,0)
Y.pr <<- neural.predict(1,X)

Is neural.test function called by zorro when testing and you have to change Deeplearn.csv path? Deeplearn.csv file should be Deeplearn.ml? Or does Zorro reads .ml file without using R?

Thank you in advanced!