mm, I am sorry, I commited three faults.

1. The normalized device coordinates are computed by dividing the result of the multiply by matProj (or so) by its w component. The raw result of the multiply is known to be in 'clip space'.
2. The y component of the result must be inversed in order to get {0, 0} at the top left corner of the screen.
3. Surprisingly, normalized device coordinates need to be divided by 4 to be in a 0<->1 range. This broke my knowledge, it has always been in a -1<->1 range... shocked

float4 clipSpaceCoordinates = mul(float4(vecLightPos[i].xyz, 1.0f), matViewProj);
float2 normalizedProjectionCoordinatesXY = clipSpaceCoordinates.xy / clipSpaceCoordinates.w;
float2 normalizedScreenCoordinates;
normalizedScreenCoordinates.x = (1.0f + normalizedProjectionCoordinatesXY.x) / 4.0f;
normalizedScreenCoordinates.y = (1.0f - normalizedProjectionCoordinatesXY.y) / 4.0f;
float2 screenCoordinates = normalizedScreenCoordinates * vecViewPort.xy;

A PP effect needs the CHILD flag so it inherits the transformation matrices and light list from the previous stage.

Here goes an example that computes the normalized screen coordinates of a rendered entity:

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

MATERIAL *mtlNormalizedScreenCoords =
	effect = "
		float4x4 matWorldViewProj;
		void VS (
			in  float4 inPos     : POSITION,
			out float4 outPos    : POSITION,
			out float4 outColor0 : COLOR0)
			outPos = mul(inPos, matWorldViewProj);
			outColor0.r = (1.0f + outPos.x / outPos.w) / 4.0f;
			outColor0.g = (1.0f - outPos.y / outPos.w) / 4.0f;
			outColor0.b = 0.0;
			outColor0.a = 1.0;
				VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS();

void main()
	camera->material = mtlNormalizedScreenCoords;
	camera->x = -30;
		if(proc_status(def_move) == 0)
			camera->pan = clamp(camera->pan + mickey.x * 0.2, -30, 30);
			camera->tilt = clamp(camera->tilt + mickey.y * 0.2, -20, 20);

Last edited by txesmi; 05/13/20 18:30. Reason: error fix