I need help how to implement physics in my code, so the player can push objects, nothing more. I found 3run have a great example (59_rigid_template) but I want try implement this in my player code. When I register my player into physX, after that he can't move anymore, because now physics has primacy over my movement code. Is there a some easy way to make this? If I understand good, it has to do with pXent_getvelocity? Here is my code:

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>
#include <windows.h>
#include <strio.c>
#include <ackphysX.h>

var ph_gravity = 9.81;
VECTOR camera_move_to;
var camera_distance = 700;
var camera_tilt;

#define movement_speed skill2
#define rot_pan_to skill15 
#define rot_force_pan skill16 
#define rot_velocity_pan skill19 
#define move_x skill22 
#define move_y skill23 
#define move_z skill24 
#define force_x skill25 
#define force_y skill26 
#define force_z skill27 
#define velocity_x skill28 
#define velocity_y skill29 
#define velocity_z skill30 
#define foot_height skill38
#define soil_contact skill39
#define soil_height skill40
#define store_movement_speed skill56

var result_local;
var result2;
var pkey_up;var pkey_down;var pkey_left;var pkey_right;
var up_press;var down_press;var left_press;var right_press;

STRING* key__up = "cuu"; STRING* key__down = "cud"; STRING* key__left = "cul"; STRING* key__right = "cur";

VECTOR temp;
VECTOR temp_local;
ANGLE temp2;
ANGLE temp3;
VECTOR temp4;

function handle_input_startup (){
	while (1) {
		pkey_up = 0; pkey_down = 0; pkey_left = 0;pkey_right = 0;
		if (key_pressed(key_for_str(key__up)) == 1) { pkey_up = 1; }
		if (key_pressed(key_for_str(key__down)) == 1) { pkey_down = 1; }
		if (key_pressed(key_for_str(key__left)) == 1) { pkey_left = 1; }
		if (key_pressed(key_for_str(key__right)) == 1) { pkey_right = 1; }
		if (pkey_up == 0 && up_press == 1) { up_press = 0; }
		if (pkey_down == 0 && down_press == 1) { down_press = 0; }
		if (pkey_left == 0 && left_press == 1) { left_press = 0; }
		if (pkey_right == 0 && right_press == 1) { right_press = 0; }
		camera_distance -= mickey.z * time_step;
		camera_distance = clamp(camera_distance, 200, 1000);

function rotate_entity(ANGLE* rotate_angle,var rotate_speed) {
	if (my.pan == rotate_angle.pan) { return; }
	temp.x = ang(rotate_angle.pan - my.pan);
	if (temp.x > 0) { result_local = 1; }
	if (temp.x < 0) { result_local = -1; }
	my.rot_force_pan = rotate_speed * 0.3 * ang(rotate_angle.pan - my.pan);
	my.rot_velocity_pan += (time_step * my.rot_force_pan) - (minv(time_step*0.7,1) * my.rot_velocity_pan);
	temp.x = ang(rotate_angle.pan - (my.pan + my.rot_velocity_pan));
	if ((temp.x > 0 && result_local == -1) || (temp.x < 0 && result_local == 1)) { my.rot_velocity_pan = ang(rotate_angle.pan - my.pan); }
	c_rotate(my,vector(my.rot_velocity_pan * time_step,0,0),IGNORE_PASSABLE|IGNORE_YOU|USE_AXIS|USE_POLYGON|GLIDE);


function move_rotate_variable(variable_to_move,rotate_to_angle,rotate_speed) {
	if (variable_to_move == rotate_to_angle) { return(variable_to_move); }
	temp_local.x = ang(rotate_to_angle - variable_to_move);
	if (temp_local.x > 0) { result_local = 1; }
	if (temp_local.x < 0) { result_local = -1; }
	temp_local.y = 0.3 * rotate_speed * result_local;
	temp_local.x = ang(rotate_to_angle - (variable_to_move + temp_local.y));
	if ((temp_local.x > 0 && result_local == -1) || (temp_local.x < 0 && result_local == 1)) { temp_local.y = ang(rotate_to_angle - variable_to_move); }
	return(variable_to_move + temp_local.y);

function player_gravity(){
	if(my.force_z <= 0){
		c_trace(my.x,temp,IGNORE_PASSABLE | IGNORE_ME | USE_BOX);
		if(!trace_hit) vec_set(target,temp);
		my.soil_height = target.z;
	if(my.z > my.soil_height+(5+20*my.soil_contact)*time_step || my.force_z > 0) {
		my.soil_contact = 0;
		my.force_z = maxv(my.force_z-9*time_step,-90);
		my.soil_contact = 1;
		my.force_z = 0;
		// jump code
	if(my.force_z) c_move(me,nullvector,vector(0,0,maxv(my.force_z*time_step,my.soil_height-my.z)),IGNORE_PASSABLE); 
	if(HIT_TARGET && normal.z < -0.5) my.force_z = minv(my.force_z,0);

function handle_player_input() {
	my.velocity_x = 0;
	my.velocity_y = 0;
	my.move_x = 0;
	my.move_y = 0;
	temp2.pan = -1000;
	temp3.pan = 0;
	if (pkey_up == 1 && pkey_down == 0 && pkey_left == 0 && pkey_right == 0) { temp2.pan = camera.pan; }
	if (pkey_down == 1 && pkey_up == 0 && pkey_left == 0 && pkey_right == 0) { temp2.pan = camera.pan + 180; }
	if (pkey_left == 1 && pkey_down == 0 && pkey_up == 0 && pkey_right == 0) { temp2.pan = camera.pan + 90; temp3.pan += 5 * time_step; }
	if (pkey_right == 1 && pkey_down == 0 && pkey_left == 0 && pkey_up == 0) { temp2.pan = camera.pan - 90; temp3.pan -= 5 * time_step; }
	if (pkey_up == 1 && pkey_left == 1 && pkey_right == 0 && pkey_down == 0) { temp2.pan = camera.pan + 45; temp3.pan += 2.5 * time_step; }
	if (pkey_up == 1 && pkey_right == 1 && pkey_left == 0 && pkey_down == 0) { temp2.pan = camera.pan - 45; temp3.pan -= 2.5 * time_step; }
	if (pkey_down == 1 && pkey_left == 1 && pkey_right == 0 && pkey_up == 0) { temp2.pan = camera.pan + 135; temp3.pan += 6 * time_step; }
	if (pkey_down == 1 && pkey_right == 1 && pkey_left == 0 && pkey_up == 0) { temp2.pan = camera.pan - 135; temp3.pan -= 6 * time_step; }

	//move player
	my.store_movement_speed = my.movement_speed;
	if (temp2.pan != -1000) {
		my.rot_pan_to = temp2.pan;
		my.velocity_x = fcos(temp2.pan,my.store_movement_speed * time_step);
		my.velocity_y = fsin(temp2.pan,my.store_movement_speed * time_step);
	} else {
		my.rot_pan_to = my.pan;

function process_movement() {
	result2 = my.movement_speed;
	c_move(my,my.move_x,vector(my.force_x,my.force_y,0),IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE);

function handle_camera() {
	camera_tilt = clamp(camera_tilt,-54,-54);//50
	temp.x = fcos(camera_tilt,-camera_distance);
	vec_set(camera_move_to.x,vector(my.x + fcos(camera.pan,temp.x),my.y + fsin(camera.pan,temp.x),my.z + 20 + fsin(camera_tilt,-camera_distance)));
	temp.x = minv(1,0.5 * time_step);
	temp4.x = minv(1,0.1 * time_step);
	camera.x += temp4.x*(camera_move_to.x - camera.x);
	camera.y += temp.x*(camera_move_to.y - camera.y);
	camera.z = player.z + 60;	

action ph_ball(){
	set(my, POLYGON);
	pXent_settype(my, PH_RIGID, PH_SPHERE);

action player_act() {
	player = my;
	my.rot_pan_to = my.pan;
	while (1){ //the main loop

void level_init_physics(){
	ph_fps_max_lock = 120;
	ph_check_distance = 2;
	pX_setgravity(vector(0, 0, -ph_gravity));

void main (){
	video_set(1920, 1045, 32, 2);
	collision_mode = 2;

Last edited by CodeMaster; 05/20/20 18:03.