From what I have read, Zorro appears to be one of the most powerful platforms available for testing and development of algorithmic trading systems. But usually an indication of success is a vibrant community of users and industry buzz promoting its success.

Have users lost interest or are there flaws that I am not seeing? The activity in this forum is incredibly sparse, except for the few kind individuals who responded to my posts and some other responses to other threads to just read the manual.

Maybe I am missing something and everyone who uses Zorro want to keep it a secret. Based on the dates of posts in these forums, to me it seems interest has died down. Was there hope that more would by the S version? Are the economics of this project not working out as originally hoped?

I’m willing to keep pressing forward and learning, but working with something that everyone is excited about would sure be encouraging ; the least of which I spend a great amount of time only to find the website is not working anymore.