Hi all,

I am new to Zorro and currently testing all "short-time" Z-Systems i.e. Z1, Z2, Z3, Z7 and Z12. My broker is Oanda. I have started all strategies last week on Monday, they are running for 7 days so far, but the only one which is trading is Z7.

Is it even possible to run more Zorro instances with the same account?

I know that Z7 has the shortest average trade duration of 6 hours and the rest have 10 or 5 days respectively. Due to this long trade duration it takes them some time to start trading, I understand, but how long it usually takes?

Another question I could not find any clear answer to is about the Capital slider. What does the number mean? Does it count with leverage? Example: I have 3000 USD on my account, leverage is 20, and want to trade my full money. Should I set it on 3000 or rather 3000 * 20 = 60 000?

Thanks a lot!