Originally Posted by IDontLikeSoccer
The only problem too many grass with while loop function killing fps in game frown
You mean while loop for each grass? It can be solved easily, just use ENABLE_FRAME and event with EVENT_FRAME.
void grass_event_function()
	if(event_type == EVENT_FRAME)
		my->skill41 = floatv(wind_x + my->skill1);
		my->skill41 = my->skill41 - 0.1 * sinv(16 * total_ticks);
		my->skill42 = floatv(wind_y + my->skill2);
		my->skill42 = my->skill42 - 0.1 * sinv(16 * total_ticks);
		my->skill43 = floatv(wind_force);
		my->skill43 = my->skill43 - 0.1 * sinv(16 * total_ticks);
		my->skill44 = floatv(wind_amplitude);
		my->skill44 = my->skill44 - 0.1 * sinv(16 * total_ticks);

action fx_animTree()
	set(my, PASSABLE);
	my->material = mtl_animTree;
	// randomness for each grass
	my->skill1 = 1 + random(2);
	my->skill2 = 1 + random(2);
	my->emask |= ENABLE_FRAME;
	my->event = grass_event_function;
As for the trees, yes. It needs some solutions. Maybe we could find some shaders from unity or other engines and try to convert them.

Edit: f.e. this one
[Shader - Open Source] Polygon Wind - for Low Poly Tree Assets

Edit2: I tried to convert it, but failed... due to not being able to get vertex color (without that it looks like default animTree.fx), I tried float4 inColor : COLOR0, but that didn't work.

Last edited by 3run; 05/27/20 12:48.

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