When I'm running the script below, I'm getting this:


Rows: 91
Values sent : wdate() = 42011.87500, price = 1.18396, atr = 0.00221
Values received: wdate() = 42011.87500, price = 0.00000, atr = 1.89799

The values in the 2nd and 3rd line should be exactly the same. I must be doing something wrong, but what's my mistake?

This is my script:

function run() 
	int cols = 3; //number of columns of the dataset
	int handle = 100; //can be any number between 1..1000
		dataNew(handle, 0, cols); 

	var* row = dataAppendRow (handle, cols);
	row[0] = wdate();   //mandatory for datasets
	row[1] = price();     //just some data
	row[2] = ATR(30);  //just some data
	int rows = dataSort(handle); //make sure, timestamps are in descending order
	int idx = dataFind(handle, wdate());
	printf("\n\nRows: %d", rows);
	printf("\nValues sent      : wdate() = %.5f, price = %.5f, atr = %.5f", wdate(), price(), ATR(30));
	printf("\nValues received: wdate() = %.5f, price = %.5f, atr = %.5f", dataVar(handle, idx, 0), dataVar(handle, idx, 1), dataVar(handle, idx, 2));

Sorry for reposting this problem. I deleted the old thread because my demo script was too complicated.

Last edited by Smon; 06/14/20 11:56.