I can manipulate past datapoints in a plot using plotData() in a function like below. Now I'd like to erase a past datapoint, what value I should assign to respective element in the plot array?

From log file, "empty" elements (hence not plotted) of a plot array seem to have ~1.7*10^308 (DBL_MAX?) value. Is there a defined macro for this value in lite-C? I tried defining myself but all I've got is an empty chart.


void plotSet(string name, var val, int offset)
	if (offset >= 0) { // Only modify the past
		DATA* plotHistory = plotData(name);
		var* plotHistoryData = plotHistory->Data;
		if (plotHistoryData) { // If plot data has valid pointer
			int firstBar = plotHistory->start;
			int lastBar = plotHistory->end;
			int curBar = lastBar - offset;
			if (curBar > firstBar) { // If target bar is valid plot
				plotHistoryData[curBar] = val;