Originally Posted by Morris

I must concede I don't fully understand what you are trying to do. But when I look at your for(closed_trades), and you want Count to be reset to 1 and stay there, you might want to add a break statement:

for(closed_trades) {
    if (crossOver(SMA30,SMA100)) {
    } else if (crossUnder(SMA30,SMA100)) {
        Count = 1;
        break_trades;	// to prevent the loop from keeping on counting up

But then, wouldn't it be more straightforward to re-shuffle like this, since the loop does not affect the result of the if conditions:

if (crossOver(SMA30,SMA100)) {
    for(closed_trades) {
        Count++;   // Or count this elsewhere to avoid the loop
} else if (crossUnder(SMA30,SMA100)) {
    Count = 1;

Again, with the caveat that your intention isn't entirely clear to me...

Thanks Morris, this is interesting. I may be able to get rid of the For Loop now but it still doesn't give the result I want i.e. resetting the counter to 1 on trades that result in a higher high of equity. See next post for code update.