After trying Unreal and Unity (and in parts Godot) multiple times each, sometimes for week(s) I chose to write my own engine last year instead. I much prefer basic C or lite-C code over anything else. Coding in Unreal (procedurally generated game(s)) was the least fun I ever had doing game dev (and I love(d) doing proc gen stuff).
My engine is not fully done yet and won't be for a while but it's good enough to make multiple games in, and in a way that's fun for me. It's almost as if I was working with lite-C still but without the hassle (and some neat things such as operator overloading so I can just type vector1 = v2+v3 instead of using the vec_... functions for example).
The most difficult thing for me (minus acceptable collision detection, not using a physics engine) was getting started, opening a window and drawing my first triangle. If you have some time to spare that might be a fun alternative to look into. You don't need to implement all those advanced state of the art features anyway.

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

Check out my new game: Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends