How so did it feel limiting to you?
I'm using C++ but code most/ pretty much all stuff C style. I use DirectX11.1 (or 11.2?) and DirectWrite (D2D) for text rendering. I use SimpleMath ( ) for basic Vector and Matrix operations but that's it, no other libraries.
One of my opt-in renderers which allows dynamic shadow casting lights and decals is somewhat inspired by the Doom 2016 view/ screen space chunk renderer. But I struggled with implementing that for a while, hard to debug the depth related issues so I got fed up with it and turned it into my own world space chunk renderer/ sorter. Much easier to wrap my head around and good enough for the games I want to make.

Regarding RayLib: Interesting! "I have lots of programming fun with it" That's the most important part. laugh My engine is working pretty well so far but of course it's no high end super optimized thing. I much rather take that and a lack of AAA features over having no fun working with let's say Unreal.
Only issue I'm not happy with is that it is Windows only again. But oh well, even releasing a game on Windows alone is struggle enough for one dev/ myself. Maybe I can find someone/ a publisher to port my engine or games some day.

Have fun with making your engine and games!

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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