
I am also writing my own engine(albeit slowly), adding features as needed (more like at my whim). No real editor, just some decoupled tools to create/test stuff, animation curves, materials etc. Right now i just dump them to a level file and load it to test my stuff.

It's actually mashup of C libraries and mostly written in C with some c++ sprinkled in. I am considering adding lua support . I worked with c + lua in the past in non-game related field, it's a blast and i have quite a good understaing of lua internals and embedding lua. This has to wait until i fully integrate an entity component system library though.

I used bgfx for rendering,glfw for input and windowing, dear imgui for the small tools(eventual editor will also use dear imgui), using flecs for ecs. assimp for importing meshes. some stb_* libraries, probably need to use a skeletal animation library written by someone that understands quaternions and blendspaces better than me.