Thanks all!

@jcl: To phrase the 1st question another way, Z9, like Z8 needs assets that are diversified, as much as possible uncorrelated, that each have an increasing history, and are expected go higher than where they are currently, correct?

@jcl, petra: Re. c), how does one select a different "park" asset? I don't see that in the manual...

@jcl, petra: Re. e), for the AR strategies, that don't automatically reinvest, the square root "rule" limits the amount of profits that can be withdrawn in order to minimize the risk of strategy blow up. For the CAGR strategies that reinvest automatically, such as Z8 & Z9, there are statements amongst these strategies that the reinvest is done according to the square root rule, and the amount not reinvested is retained as a buffer. So, the question becomes, can anything be withdrawn safely before completely stopping the strategy? If so, how much? According to what "rule"/formula?
