Hi Dooley,

Do you have any general tips on reducing function complexity?

I'm dealing with the same issues, since a RTS gots tons of functions with loops.

For analyzing which part of the functions took most time to calculate I used dtimer() and displayed the time on screen.

void* gameloop()

	time_unit_loop = dtimer();
	time_level_loop = dtimer();	


function show_info_txt()
	STRING* s1 = " ";


	str_for_num(s1, time_unit_loop);
	draw_text("Rechenzeit Unitloop", 10, 275, WHITE);
	draw_text(s1, 140, 275, WHITE);

	str_for_num(s1, time_units);
	draw_text("Rechenzeit Einheiten", 10, 315, WHITE);
	draw_text(s1, 140, 315, WHITE);


Searching structures took most of the execution time, so I would start from there. At start I even used ent_next to search for specific entities, obviously that takes a lot of time. Saving specific objects (like the units) in its own search lists saved a lot of time for me:
//search list for units
int no_of_units;
int max_units = 256;
UNIT_STRUCT unit[256];

//search list for buildings
int no_of_buildings = 0;
int max_buildings = 64;
ENTITY* building_array[64];


Another thing you might consider is to "update" some functions less frequently (not every frame, but every other frame or even less frequent).

Best regards

Last edited by Jerome8911; 08/12/20 10:13.

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